Where to promote music? Best sites to promote music online

June 30, 2022

Do you plan to release an album or an EP? Do you want to share a playlist with your audience? Being a successful artist or music curator is more than just creating good music. It’s also about distribution and promotion.

This is why we collected some ideas on where you can promote your music.

Why you should promote music with Smart Links

First of all, if you’re promoting your music online, smart links are a must.

Music consumption has never been so segmented. Thus, it's pointless to send a Spotify link to an Apple Music user. Adding 5 links every time you post a song can be a solution but is hardly practical for promoting your music. But what if you could give your listeners only one link, and then they decide where to open your music?

Imagine how this could streamline your music promotion and boost your streams.

With Smart Links, the fans will be given a smooth and elegant promotional landing page with song previews and available music platforms. There is also an embed player option, which you can add to your blog or website. Get started with Smart Links and experience an entirely new quality of music sharing!


Fan links were designed for artists who want to promote their music conveniently and attractively. You can use them for marketing your singles, albums and playlists anywhere you want. Where to share smart links? Below we collected some of the best ideas.


One of the places where you can share your music is social media. If you're putting effort into getting your music out to people, they should be able to connect with you on some social platforms. Artists and musicians worldwide promote their brand and their music via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and many more.

Your followers hope that you share with them your music and moments of your life as an artist. You can create a post with a smart link, presenting your new album or a playlist.


You should put a smart link to the "Bio" section of your social media profile. Bio sections help users get a sense of who you are and they are a perfect place for promoting your music. Whenever someone clicks on your Smart Link, they will be presented with a micro-site that features all of your best music content across all streaming platforms.

Smart Links are great for bio sections on:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
  • YouTube about


You can't miss YouTube if you're serious about taking your music career to the next level! This platform is the most famous video & music streaming service. It has more than a billion users - far more than Spotify and Deezer. This second most used search engine in the world is also an excellent option for music video hosting. And thanks to Google AdWords, YouTube is also a good platform to promote music. Each month YouTube attracts more than 1 billion users!

YouTube is a perfect tool to build your career over the long term, and it gives you an outstanding possibility to dive into the world of music if you're ready to work regularly. If you don't have a music video, you can make a video just with the album cover - the most important thing is that your music can be heard on YouTube. Remember to put your bio in the description, where you can share a smart link with your portfolio, social media profiles, websites and more.


On Pinterest, you can create a multitude of boards, depending on how you want to organize everything. Pinterest is not a typical promotional channel for musicians. However, it could be a good place for promoting playlists. You just have to find creative ways to promote your music. What is important, each photo or image posted on Pinterest can also be a link! That way, you may transform a playlist’s cover into a smart link, where users can listen to your music.


Soundcloud is a music streaming service that is very popular among music producers, DJs, musicians, and bands. It’s the only music platform where you don’t need a distributor to upload your music. This is why you can find there a lot of remixes, covers and unreleased versions of the songs.

The service provides an option of adding a description to each song, so you can use it to promote your music even more. Include your Smart Link and direct listeners to your website, social media channels and other streaming profiles where you publish your music.


Your fans, followers, friends, and loved ones are your best ambassadors. That's why, when you release an album, send it directly to them first. You can send a smart link with a short description via direct message, which can be easily forwarded. You can use, for example, Whatsapp or Messenger for this purpose.


A newsletter is a perfect option for music promotion since you have much more impact than social networks. Therefore, it's a great way to grab the attention of your fans and engage them, for example, by sharing a smart link to your new album.


The real strength of social media is the opportunity of reaching millions of users via sponsored posts & advertisements. These can be targeted according to people's age, preferences, tastes, location, and many more. If you want to promote your music successfully and have some funds to invest in, run a campaign, add a smart link to your sponsored post, and boost your streams! You can always check how effective your marketing campaigns are in the Smart Links analytics dashboard.


Professional artists usually have their own website/blog, which can be their so-called EPK (electronic press kit). It’s a convenient option, which, like a business card, can maximize your efforts while pitching music labels, curators, managers, A&R’s, or publishing companies. Just remember to make it professional! For example, embed a sleek Smart Link player on your website.


You can also utilize forums devoted to music and share your work there. With Smart Links, you can make sure that you’re reaching potential listeners of all music streaming platforms.

As you can see, there are diverse places where you can promote your music!

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